Holistic Therapy

Carola Kromphardt
Carola Kromphardt

Who I am

My name is Carola Kromphardt and I welcome you to my medical practise (Naturheilpraxis) in Berlin-Wannsee. Free from pressure of time and hecticness, you will be treated with professional care.


I am a Graduate Biologist and Alternative Practitioner. I have been successfully caring for my patients in my own medical practise for several years. 

Therapeutic concept

I am specialized in acupuncture, phytotherapy, Bach flowers, reflexology, therapist massages and Mora therapy.


Gladly, I will be at your service to develop your personal treatment concept which can involve more than one therapy.

My Website

Main parts of my website have been written in German. However, please feel free to contact me in English if you like. My website consists of the following major entries:

In section Über mich (about), I tell you how I found my professional way from a Graduate Biologist to a Natural Health Professional. In this section, you also find my vita.


Under the line Therapiekonzept (therapeutic concept), I describe my personal approach to achieve a holistic therapy. There are several sub-pages which hold detailled information on my therapeutic methods: 


  • Akupunktur (acupuncture): This well-known method from Traditional Chinese Medicine suits for several ailments.
  • Phytotherapie (phytotherapy): Uses the healing powers of plants.
  • Körpertherapie (therapist massage): Beneath this headword, information on therapist massage, Dorn therapy and craniosacral therapy can be found.
  • Fußreflexzonentherapie (reflexology): This method uses reflective zones upon the feet.
  • Bioresonanztherapie (Bicom therapy, Mora therapy): This therapy utilizes electric waves from the patient's body.
  • Bach-Blütentherapie (Bach flowers): This well-known method from the british physician Edward Bach works with delicate flowers.

Medical Practise

My medical practise (Naturheilpraxis) is located in Berlin-Wannsee close to Potsdam-Babelsberg and can be reached by public transportation (S-Bahn line 7 Griebnitzsee / Bus 118, 694 Steinstücken).


Please feel free to arrange your personal consultation by phone +49 (30) 28 471 449 or write me a message using the contact form.

With best regards, 


Your Heilpraktikerin Carola Kromphardt